A Break From City Life.


How Is Your Child Spending Winter Break?

Think back to when you were a child — did you ever think that the day would come when you weren’t excited for time away from school? After nine months of switching between online and in-person learning, depending on which school your child attends, they might not be feeling all that excited about having a few weeks off for winter break. In fact, a break from structured education might have them feeling more bored and restless than anything else!

At The Art Farm NYC, we know that the last nine months have been anything but easy for children and their families. In this post, we’ll outline just a few of the many classes for kids in NYC the Art Farm is currently offering during winter break. Read on to learn more, and visit our program page to view our schedule and the full list of classes when you’re ready to sign your child up!

Winter Break Classes at The Art Farm NYC

Rocks, Smocks, and Animals

Rocks, Smocks, and Animals is your child’s opportunity to sing, dance, and interact with a different animal each week. The class begins with a musical introduction to the animal of the week and provides your child with the opportunity to explore a variety of different instruments. Then, we bring out a special animal and introduce them to the class. The session ends with time for your child to create their own masterpiece inspired by the animal featured in the session!

Animal Exploration

If your child is more interested in meeting and learning about animals than anything else, we couldn’t recommend our Animal Exploration class more highly! This class provides your child with the opportunity to meet and engage with a variety of animals in our indoor petting zoo. We offer age-appropriate introductions to scientific observation and classification, allowing your child to develop an understanding of and appreciation for the natural world. The session ends with free time with our critters or additional time to read more about specific animals!

Art for Busy Kids

Art for Busy Kids is your child’s opportunity to let their imagination and creativity flow! We’ve designed this class to be structured enough to help children understand and appreciate artistic principles, but not so restricted that their creativity is hindered. Your child will explore various mediums that follow our weekly theme. We end the class with a petting zoo visit!

Farm Friends

If you’re looking for a longer class that includes structured activities and time to sing, dance, solve puzzles, and spend time in our petting zoo, we recommend signing up for Farm Friends. Each week features a new animal, different art projects, free time, and more. Give us a call to learn more about our weekly theme!

Safety Precautions

The Art Farm NYC takes your safety very seriously and is committed to reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our community.

We’re taking all of the following precautions in order to keep you and your family safe:

  • All of our classes require an advance reservation and are capped at eight children and one adult per child.
  • All guests are required to fill out a COVID-19 waiver and questionnaire.
  • Masks are required for adults and are strongly encouraged for children over the age of 2.
  • Each attendee is temperature checked at the door and must use hand sanitizer throughout the visit.
  • All art supplies and every station is diligently cleaned and disinfected throughout the day.

Please contact us with any questions you may have about our COVID-19 precautions.

If you’re ready to give your child the gift of a fun and educational winter break, sign up for a class at The Art Farm NYC and visit us soon!


At The Art Farm we provide a variety of fun and engaging classes for kids, themed birthday parties, drop-in classes and an indoor play area and indoor petting zoo!

Welcome to New York City's Only Indoor Petting zoo! Please enjoy a tour of our facility.

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